Ink-jet Printing and Multi-jet Printing

Continuing the exploration of the main techniques of additive manufacturing in this article we will see what industry experts consider the most interesting: the Ink-jet Printing and Multi-jet Printing.

How do they understand their names they have much in common with desktop inkjet printers that we use every day to print on paper. The difference consists in the fact that the printer cartridges contain additives (in the case Ink-jet Printing) or liquid material (in the case of Multi-jet Printing) instead of ink. In reality, the system is also equipped with a cartridge containing ink to equip the prototype of a realistic coloring.

The machine has the printheads moved by a sliding carriage and from which comes out of material that is deposited selectively in the working chamber. The construction is carried out for consecutive layers but compared to other techniques of 3D Printing process is very fast.

In the case Ink-jet Printing the machining process is the following:

  • is passed to the machine the file CAD model.
  • In the working chamber is deposited a thin layer of powder which in turn is scattered, in the appropriate areas, by the glue; occurs leveling of the layer just worked and proceed to the processing of the next layer. No need for support because of the dust around supports the piece .
  • the object is extracted from the working chamber, at the end of molding it is immersed in the dust.
  • They perform the infiltration of adhesive to increase the finishing of the piece. The materials processed with this technique are the powders of starch, chalk or metal (in this case to step four is infiltrated metal thanks to a heat treatment).

In the case of Multi-Jet Printing the machining process is:

  • is passed to the machine the file CAD model.
  • In the working chamber takes place the ejection of the material to form the successive layers that compose the piece. Together with the object are also created media.
  • Once the process proceeds with the removal of media, you do not need a surface treatment because the end product has a good finish intrinsic. The materials are processed type wax.

These techniques are used to create a high visual impact prototypes or models used in industrial processes foundry. Furthermore it is possible that in the future could become real desktop printing household. In the last period they are made through the so-called Selfie 3D, in other words, real miniatures personal.

Edited by Salvatore Orlando, BEng Management Engineering.

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Close-up Engineering – ©allrightreserved




Published by
Nicola Lovecchio